lundi 14 juillet 2008

Feu d'artifice

et bien... de chez moi, on ne le voit pas.

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

bien,la couleur! Il me plait beaucoup.

lapin a dit…

de chez moi non plus, je te rassure…

Anonyme a dit…

On dirait du Vuillemin !

Anonyme a dit…

j'allais dire la même chose que cyril!

Kinetica a dit…

I was seeing some blogs of drawing and I found yours.
If I'm not indiscreet, I'd like to know if this is just an hobbie or if you're art student or professional.

I really like your work and I love the way you work the buildings of the city with so simplicity. I find Paris in each line of your draws.

I feel sorry of not be able to right in french.

Kisses from Portugal,

Anonyme a dit…

très drôle! il n'y a plus de dessins, t'es parti en vacances? (gouzy anonymus)

Kinetica a dit…


I was suspecting that you could be an architect!

I conclued my first year in architecture in the University of Coimbra.
I'm very excited about the course.
I also love to draw so I'm always searching for new examples and references on the internet.
It's a pity that you're unemployed... Portugal also doesn't offer good perspectives in this area.
Despite everything what is said about architecture in France I would love to do Erasmus there.

Thanks for your answer!
Au revoir!