jeudi 18 juin 2009

Absence de génie

4 commentaires:

Catilustre a dit…

very nice!
me gusta el contraste entre primer plano y fondo, esbozado...

Simon a dit…

Il faut frotter plus fort la théière ! Joli dessin. Bises.

Alan a dit…

I wish I felt I could achieve such quiet beauty from such seemingly mundane subject matter. Your drawings are always distinguished by great choices as much as anything else: of composition, or where to put detail and where to be economical.

martin a dit…

je vais réessayer!
thank you. I don't think that I make choices when I draw. I try only to represent what I see. It's impossible to see everything in front of you at the same time. So when I'm looking at the teapot and cup, I'm seeing a little bit the corner of the table, but I am unable to watch the background. That's why I do not represent them in the same way. But perhaps I should go to an ophthalmologist...